IDEAS PLUS implements a set off comprehensive measures and procedures to ensure business continuity and reliability.
A dedicated team is responsible for Infrastructure Engineering, Infrastructure Change and Release Management. Responsible people are informed about all significant events concerning the functioning of the information infrastructure on the 24x7 basis by using mobile phones.
Computing Facilities
We have around 10 Intel P4 (Core 2 Duo) Pc at our 2 development centers. We have
2 servers in our datacenters located in Dallas. All our datacenters are equipped with efficient air conditioning, fire protection and UPS power protection systems. Each server is built on the RAID technology. Our Servers are managed by Softlayer
at it IV ties datacenter located at dallas and seattle.
Internet Redundancy and Data Exchange
Reliable Internet connection is available 24x7 at our development centers
via two different ISP (BSNL & RELIANCE). The connection between the datacenters is provided via fiber-optic links with the bandwidth of 1Gbps. Reliability of power supply is ensured by the presence of separate and independent power feeders at every datacenter and by the usage of high-performance UPSes.
Network Services Reliability
Failover capabilities are implemented for the main network services, such as Mail, DNS, Internet Access, Active Directory and development servers. The Mail Server backup is performed via two backup servers, one located in Dallas and another – in Seattle both managed by SOFTLAYER. This mechanism ensures that no incoming and outgoing mail is lost.